August 04, 2023

What are the best hotel coffee pods?

At modern hotels, customers and guests don’t just want good coffee – they expect it. Hotel operators, in particular, need to stay abreast of coffee trends – like hotel coffee pods – to ensure they serve high-quality brews both in-room and at hotel restaurants and cafés.

For more discerning guests who may be accustomed to specialty coffee, excellent hotel coffee can leave a lasting impression. This increases the chances that they’ll visit again and they may be more likely to recommend the hotel to people around them.

Hotel coffee pods and capsules tick all the boxes when it comes to quality, convenience and ease of use. Let’s explore the advantages of hotel coffee pods and capsules and how they can elevate the customer experience. Read on to learn more.

Hotel coffee pods in a display case.

Consumer expectations about hotel coffee

Around 85% of consumers’ spend on coffee is attributed to out-of-home consumption. As such, the modern hotel guest expects more than ever before, making home comforts and small luxuries – like high-quality coffee – crucial offerings.

As such, a premium hotel experience would be incomplete without gourmet food and drink, including coffee.

Sam Lyden is our Director of Sales at Metropolis. He explains that hotel coffee is traditionally offered in three ways:

  • Room service

  • At the hotel’s own restaurant or café

  • In-room facilities like coffee sachets, kettles, and milk capsules.

“In-room coffee has a reputation of being a last-ditch resort to having your coffee,” he notes. “In the past, coffee was seen by hotels as a placeholder.”

Research from UCC Coffee suggests that 75% of hotel guests find hotel coffee to be either average or poor. Furthermore, a third of them feel that low-quality coffee would discourage them from returning. Despite this wavering reputation, however, hotel coffee is on the comeback trail.

Demand for specialty coffee has increased considerably over the last decade. If hotel customers are booking a high-end room, they expect high-end coffee in line with that.

Think about it this way: if more and more guests are drinking higher-quality specialty coffee at home, they're increasingly going to expect the same standard at hotels and restaurants.

Hotel coffee pods next to a capsule brewer.

What makes hotel coffee pods and capsules a great solution?

Sam explains that the emergence of Nespresso has significantly increased the potential of high-quality in-room coffee.

“With specialty coffee, it often seems as though you have to really know a lot when it comes to making something exceptional and that is seen as specialty,” he adds.

There are a number of benefits for hotels and their guests. In fact, when sourced from a wholesale espresso capsule provider, coffee capsules satisfy several guest expectations at once.


More and more consumers care about their impact on their planet – and this includes hotel guests. For example, around 350,000 coffee capsules end up in landfills each year.

At Metropolis, we address this issue by manufacturing commercially compostable coffee capsules. These can be disposed of properly at any commercial composting facility.

“They’re ethically sourced and nice to drink, while also being compostable,” Sam explains. “This fits in with the sustainability goals that hotels may have.”


Chris Petrovich is our Director of Coffee at Metropolis. He explains that our espresso capsules make specialty coffee far more accessible.

“It gives guests at the hotel a far more elevated experience; they can rethink what hotel coffee could be,” he says.

After all, guests value comfort, convenience and accessibility above all else. Coffee capsule brewers can pull a shot of espresso at the touch of a button – without compromising on quality.

Sam adds that coffee capsules “democratize” classic espresso-style drinks, as users don’t require any expensive equipment or special skills. The brewer does all of the work, extracting perfect espresso-style coffee that anyone can enjoy.


In 2003, our founder, Tony Dreyfuss and his father, Jeff, ventured into the world of coffee roasting. Their aim was simple: to create and foster an approachable, accessible environment where absolutely everyone has a seat at the table.

Today, specialty coffee is at the core of that mission. At Metropolis Coffee, we’re committed to sustainability, the wider coffee community – and quality. After all, quality matters to consumers. Shouldn’t it be top of your list, too?

At our 18,000 square foot roasterie in Chicago, we roast and taste coffees sourced from some of the best coffee producers in the world. In fact, we’re the largest roaster of certified Fair Trade coffee in Illinois.

Here, each batch is roasted to order. Our commitment to quality is evident in every cup – and our espresso capsules are no exception.

Roasting coffee for hotel coffee pods.

Sourcing the best hotel coffee pods

Historically, sourcing your own hotel coffee capsules has been a challenge. But that's no longer the case. By working with a wholesale espresso capsule provider like Metropolis, you can make the process as easy as possible.

We manufacture commercially compostable espresso capsules that are compatible with Nespresso original line brewers. We also offer our own capsule brewer, as well as bespoke display cases for hotel rooms.

Creating coffee capsules from scratch can be overwhelming for a hotel when you have so much else going on. But by working with a wholesale partner like Metropolis, you can streamline the entire process – making it easy, efficient, and convenient.

With two decades of expertise in specialty coffee, we know exactly what it takes to create a coffee capsule that perfectly represents your hotel. We source specialty green coffee, roast each lot to perfection and grind it using a roller mill. Finally, we fill the capsules using our state-of-the-art machine.

We offer two services for customized coffee capsules: private-label capsules and co-packing. For private-label capsules, our team works closely with yours to develop a signature coffee blend, complete with customized packaging.

But if you've already got your own coffee blend, don't worry! We can take your coffee, grind it, and then fill, flush, and seal branded capsules just for you.

Interested in learning more? Check out our wholesale co-packing and private-label espresso capsule solutions today.

Certified compostable facilities may not exist in your area. To find a composter near you, visit or on all packaging and marketing materials.

Metropolis Coffee is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by Nespresso. Nespresso is a registered trademark of Société des Produits Nestlé.